The Annual Members Only International Art Exhibition
The show includes a public opening event with gallery tour and artist talk (with a 3-D virtual gallery version). You have the opportunity to speak about your art, your unique point of view, and your vision. The events are recorded live.
Each art work in the annual show is available for sale through Art Impact International's online eCommerceplatform.
Each annual show has its own printed art exhibition catalog with up to four pages per artist, hardcover, perfectly bound, full color, on sale on the web as a print-on-demand publication. As a member you receive a 30% discount code on your catalog purchases. There is also the digital version for sharing across the internet at no cost to online readers.
No. 2
Your Own Personal Web Page This includes your bio, statement, your own website link if you have one, all your social media links. Your page link would look something like this: It is good business sense for you to have your name out there for Google to find you as an artist. To survive as an artist you must show and promote yourself as an artist. Show others where to find out what you're doing, where you've been, and where to connect and find you now.
No. 3
Your Own Custom Video This is a two-minute video, personalized with your name, your picture, and images of your art work and main medium, website and text lines which express your message as an artist. This video is publicly accessed on YouTube and your personal webpage mentioned above. You are free to share the link across all your social media sites and on your own website, as many members have done.
No. 4
Monthly and Quarterly Member Video Conference Calls The artist business building monthly calls are premier opportunities for you to get regular and continuous one-on-one and group marketing and business feedback, insights about your art and your website from the Founder and the other Member attendees on the call. This presents excellent interaction with fellow artists.
The Quarterly calls give you updates on Art Impact International current and future activities. Your feedback and insights as a member are also needed and welcomed. We appreciate your creative input to help us all flourish as an artist organization.